Fort Collins Area Bulk Candy Vending Route

Price: $25,000 – Weekly Sales: $265

This vending route consists of 64, 8 canister U-Turn bulk vending machines at locations in Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland and Windsor. The owner is responsible for purchasing product and restocking these machines as necessary. Some accounts are serviced every 3-4 weeks but many are only serviced every 7-8 weeks. Very flexible schedule and great low maintenance income stream.

The current owner is averaging around $265 per week in gross sales volume. Expenses will vary from owner to owner due to travel costs…but the largest expense is the cost of goods sold/inventory. The current owner estimates a weekly net of $160 or $8,300 per year.

There is great growth potential for a motivated owner. Sales volume can be increased at current accounts or the route can be expanded. Training will be provided by the current owner. All equipment is included in the purchase.

Please contact us today for more information!

u turn vending machine